Join us at the 2022 ACR Conference!

Suncorp Valuations is delighted to be attending this year’s The Alberta Condominium & Real Estate Conference in Calgary, AB from September 16-17.

Come visit Trystan Hill at booth #110 – this is a great opportunity to ask about your Insurance Appraisal and Reserve Fund Studies.

She is looking forward to seeing everyone, in person, at this amazing event!

Join us at the 2022 International ASA Conference!

Suncorp Valuations is delighted to be attending this year’s International ASA Conference in Tampa, FL! We are a proud Gold Sponsor of this event.

Our President and CEO, Tom Gardiner, will be attending along with some of our senior appraisal staff: Andrea Grant; Chris Parr; Joshua Abbey; Asher Cohen; and Priya Rajkondawar.

Asher Cohen and Joshua Abbey will also delivering a presentation about MTS Appraiser’s Role in completing a Purchase Price Allocation(PPA) Appraisal.

They are all looking forward to seeing everyone, in person, at this fantastic event!

Join us at the Golden Horseshoe Chapter of CCI Annual Conference!

Suncorp Valuations is delighted to be an exhibitor at this year’s Golden Horseshoe Annual Conference on September 16th!

This is a great opportunity to ask us about your condo insurance appraisal and learn more about what we do.

Come visit Vic Persaud and Shilpa Thakur at booth #502. They are looking forward to seeing everyone, in person, at this incredible event!

Join us at CRIMS 2022 in Halifax!

Suncorp Valuations is excited to be an exhibitor at this year’s RIMS Canada Conference 2022 from September 11-14! The RIMS Canada Conference is the second largest annual risk management conference in the world, and we are so honored to be a part of it.

Come visit Devin Baker and Vic Persaud at booth #300. We will have an incredible draw prize – enter to win a $500 Gift Card to Costco!

As well as exhibiting, Devin Baker will be part of a panel delivering a presentation, “Property Values in Volatile Economic Times”, on September 12 with Ginette Demers from Domtar and Luc Bissonnette from FM Global.

We very much look forward to seeing you all, in person, at this spectacular event!

The Impact of Inflation and Interest Rates on Tangible Asset Appraisals

During periods of inflation and interest rates variability, many clients ask if this will impact their appraisals.  This article attempts to shed some light on these issues.


A little background first

Inflation rates and interest rates are correlated.  Rising inflation is typically caused by imbalances in supply and demand.  Simply put, when demand of a good or service exceeds supply, prices go up.  Central banks then increase interest rates to cool demand, which in time will cool inflation.  Price increases slow, and then interest rates fall.

During 2021 and into 2022, inflation has been increasing significantly, mainly due to supply chain constrains causing supply of many good and services to fall significantly below demand levels.  In response, in early 2022 central banks began increasing interest rates.  Inflation will eventually begin to slow, but at time of writing (August 2022) it is unknown when and at what level these cycles will peak and reverse.


Do changing inflation rates and changing interest rates affect appraisals of tangible assets?

Generally speaking, yes, but in different ways depending on the type of appraisal (cost estimate or value estimate).   Note: For more insight on the difference between cost and value, please see Suncorp Valuations recent blog on that topic.


The Impact on Insurance Appraisals

A “Cost Estimate Report” (eg. an “insurance appraisal”) is an estimate of the cost to replace a particular asset to ensure adequate insurance coverage is in place.  Changing interest rates have little effect on these types of appraisals, however inflation has a significant impact.  During times of rapidly changing material and/or labour costs the appraiser must pay close attention to cost trends in a myriad of categories, sub-markets, and regions.  Often these trends show significant volatility and little correlation.  Expert data acquisition and analysis is essential.  It is important for users of Insurance Appraisal services to communicate frequently with their Suncorp Valuations consultant to ensure costs are updated on a regular basis to reduce the risk of an insurance coverage shortfall in the event of a loss.


The Impact on Value Appraisals

A “Value Appraisal” is an estimate of what a particular asset may sell or rent for.  These types of appraisals are used for many purposes such as secured lending, buyer/seller due diligence, property division, etc.  Inflation and cost has some impact, however interest rates have a significant impact on value estimates, for two main reasons.

Firstly, most tangible assets require some type of financing, such as a mortgage or secured loan, to facilitate the purchase.  When interest rates increase, this decreases the relative purchasing power thereby reducing demand, and value.  When interest rates go down, the reverse happens and values of tangible assets often increase.

And secondly, when interest rates increase the return on low risk investments (such as GIC’s, t-bills, bonds, etc.), also increase.  These low risk investments compete with higher risk investments (such as income producing tangible assets and real property) for investor’s funds.  Investors (buyers) then require a higher return on the purchase of tangible assets, and as a result values tend to fall.  When interest rates fall, the reverse happens and values often go up.

There are many factors (such as tight supply) that impact the value of a tangible asset, and some of these factors change quite frequently.  It is important for users of valuation services to communicate frequently with their Suncorp Valuations consultant to ensure their tangible asset value estimates are updated on a regular basis.  In this way, our clients have the most up to date and accurate information with which to make informed decisions.

Lets Look at “Desktop” Appraisals as an Option for Service

What is a “desktop” appraisal?

A “desktop” appraisal is a qualified appraisal performed without a physical inspection of the subject property. Information on the property may be provided by the client to an appraiser, obtained by an appraiser from a previous appraisal or public sources, or a combination of both.

What to know about a “desktop” appraisal?

Regardless of the source of information, the reporting is going to have a clear qualifying statement that no physical inspection has occurred at the effective date and the appraiser has relied on information believed to be true. The appraiser will look to verify any information from applicable sources regarding the property however; reliance on third party information will certainly occur and be clearly stated in the report in the form of an Extraordinary Assumption, Hypothetical Condition, and an Extraordinary Limiting Condition.

What considerations should be examined to validate the applicability of a “desktop” appraisal?

One of the first considerations prior to arranging a “desktop” appraisal would be the use of the report. While you may be the client of record, clients often have third parties that would rely on the reporting for a variety of uses such as asset based financing or insurance placement. It is imperative that you confirm with all additional users to ensure a qualified report without inspection would be sufficient for the intended use.

The second consideration one needs to make is to ensure that the required information can be gathered completely and accurately and provided to the appraiser. When completing a “desktop” appraisal an appraiser will have a significantly larger data request regarding the specified property, as the appraiser is not physically inspecting the assets themselves. The client would be responsible to be the “eyes” of the appraiser meaning someone on site will need to gather information such as plans, specifications, photographs, etc. of the subject property.

When does a “desktop” appraisal fit?

The often misnomer around “desktop” appraisals is that it is a cheaper appraisal option. If the reason you are considering a “desktop” appraisal were to save cost, we would recommend reconsidering. A “desktop” appraisal may save the time associated with the inspection process; however, that time is typically entirely offset in coordinating data collection and reviewing and verifying the information to complete the reporting. Often the professional fees associated with a “desktop” appraisal can be identical to a full appraisal unless very good asset records and property information already exists. Where assets are remote in nature, the “desktop” option does assist with cost savings involved with travel and disbursements.

Some areas where a “desktop” appraisal may be a good fit would be as follows:

  • Assets that have been previously (and recently) inspected/appraised and an update is required;
  • Assets whose location are significantly remote or significantly spread out, however the assets are similar in nature or scope;
  • Assets where access simply cannot be provided due to restrictions for entry;
  • Farmland during the winter when the subject property (eg. the land) is buried in snow and thus is hidden from sight.


A “desktop” appraisal is a useful tool an appraiser has to complete a appraisal for a client with unique circumstances around access to their assets. If you are considering if a “desktop” appraisal will work for your current appraisal needs, you should consider all users of the reporting (you don’t want to go back after the appraisal because your user will not accept the reporting), as well as your ability to provide the appraiser all relevant information on the property. When the circumstances as well as the use aligns, a “desktop” appraisal may be the right appraisal fit for you or your client’s needs.

To inquire about your valuation needs, Contact Us today!